Elegant, simple interactive maps

Design gorgeous and lightweight SVG maps with ease


CartoSVG uses SVG elements, which are interactive by nature.


The maps are given depth through filters and rich styling possibilities.


Just copy / paste the exported file into your HTML, and you're done!

Small footprint

The final file size is made as small as possible using diverse optimization techniques, and compresses well.



Here follows 4 examples built with CartoSVG. This entire page weights 470Ko, ~110 gzipped.

La Bella Italia

See the standalone example in the app for more information

Mercator projection

See the standalone example in the app for more information

USA Elections

See the standalone example in the app for more information

PoliticalpartyLight DemocratDemocratHeavy DemocratLight RepublicanRepublicanUndecided

Ukraine population

See the standalone example in the app for more information